
In today's knowledge-driven global economy, one industry in which India is among global leaders and has a firm footprint is the fast-growing information technology and business process outsourcing industry, which includes software development and back-office operations. This industry has not only emerged among the fastest growing contributors to the country's national income, but also the biggest employment generator.

Some Indian companies in the business like Tata Consultancy Services, Infosys Technologies, Wipro and Hindustan Computers have earned global repute for the quality of service and reach, while several large overseas players like Microsoft, IBM, Hewlett Packard, Cisco, Oracle, Sun Microsystems, Yahoo, Google, Dell, Intel have set up shop in India, registering phenomenal growth.

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100 Million Indians Vote for Facebook
Shelley Singh / The Times of India

Facebook, the worlds largest social media company, has crossed 100 million active users in India the second country, after the United States, in which it has done so. And it already has a new figure in mind for India: one billion users. Confirming the crossing of the landmark of 100 million on March 31, Javier Olivan, the company official in charge of global growth, told ET: "Now, we look forward to 1 billion in India that's a different focus and challenge."

India puts second navigation satellite into orbit
By Venkatachari Jagannathan

India moved a step closer to setting up its own satellite navigation system when in a copy-book style it successfully placed into orbit a satellite using its own rocket.

Onward robotic soldiers: IIT students pioneer cutting-edge research

Picture this: Robots braving bullets while ferrying weapons and ammunition to soldiers on the battle front. Or, a robotic arm resembling the human variety that can work in hazardous areas like blast furnaces. Students at IIT-Roorkee are swotting to turn these ideas into reality.

India's own satellite navigation system by 2014 end: ISRO chief

India is expected to have its own satellite navigation system with the launch of three more satellites before the end of this year, said the Indian space agency's chief Monday.

India seeks equal role for all governments in global internet

Close on the heels of the US decision to relinquish its oversight of Internet Corporation for Assignment of Names and Numbers (ICANN), a global multi-stakeholder meeting - NETmundial - on the future of internet governance will be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, April 23-24. Nearly 800 delegates representing government, private sector, civil society, academia and technical communities, including several from India, are expected to attend this meeting.

India successfully tests n-capable Prithvi-II missile

India Friday successfully test-fired its nuclear-capable Prithvi-II surface-to-surface missile from a military base in Odisha, a senior official said.

ISRO making full system tests for April 4 satellite launch

Indian space agency officials are carrying out full system tests Thursday on its rocket and the second navigational satellite set to be launched April 4 at Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh, said the space agency.

Delhi IIT-based startup launches haemoglobin measurement device

Medtech startup Wrig Nanosystems Tuesday launched a first of its kind ultra-convenient haemoglobin measurement device, TrueHb Hemometer, to help eradicate anaemia in the country.

Kerala students to compete in designing a Mars rover

Students of an engineering college in Kerala have been selected to compete in a challenge to design a rover for the US Mars exploration mission.

You can use your phone to go paperless at home and work
By Gagandeep Sapra/ Hindustan Times

Time was when you had a large desk – a messy one at that. You printed papers or had thick files that sat in almirahs. You waded through them to find the stuff you wanted, and they cut more trees so you could do this.