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Inauguration of the Pan Africa E-Network, 16 August 2010

Hon’ble External Affairs Minister of India, H.E. Mr. S.M. Krishna and Hon’ble Minister of Communications and Information Technology of Arab Republic of Egypt, H.E. Dr. Tarek Kamel jointly inaugurated the Pan African E-Network Project on Monday, the 16th August, 2010 by conducting a video-conference through a video link between New Delhi and Cairo via the E-Learning Centre in Alexandria.

Inauguration of the Pan African E-network and online interaction between  External Affairs Minster H.E Mr. S.M Krishna and Minster for Communication and IT H.E Dr. Tarek Kamel, Ambassador Swaminathan is also present.Inauguration of the Pan African E-network and online interaction between  External Affairs Minster H.E Mr. S.M Krishna and Minster for Communication and IT H.E Dr. Tarek Kamel, Ambassador Swaminathan is also present.
Hon’ble External Affairs Minister of India, H.E. Mr. S.M. Krishna and Hon’ble Minister of Communications and Information Technology of Arab Republic of Egypt, H.E. Dr. Tarek Kamel jointly inaugurated the Pan African E-Network Project on Monday, the 16th August, 2010 by conducting a video-conference through a video link between New Delhi and Cairo via the E-Learning Centre in Alexandria. 
An E-learning Centre has been operational since July 2009 at Alexandria University under the Pan African e-Network Project (a fibre-optic network to provide satellite connectivity, tele-medicine and tele-education to all 53 nations of the African Union). The Tele-medicine Centre under the Project has also become operational at Suzanne Mubarak Regional Centre for Women’s Health and Development

ITEC programme

 Under the ITEC programme over 50 slots have been allotted in 2010 to Egypt and about 35 have travelled to India so far to undergo training in various fields.